About Us

Welcome to the Audubon Center at Garden Creek.  This is Casper’s branch of the National Audubon Society.  The Rocky Mountain regional office is located in Denver, Colorado.

Our Mission

We seek to bring people closer to nature through conservation programs and nature education, in order to protect local lands and wildlife.  You can read more about the Audubon’s vision of creating “open spaces rich in birds and other wildlife, and citizens that enjoy that richness,” at the Rocky Mountain website.

The Garden Creek Center

The Center was established in 1998 and rests on over 450 acres of mountain land.  You can read a brief article about the center at the Casper Museums website. In order to educate our community and visitors, the center features “Brown Bag Birding” on most Thursday afternoons.  You can bring a lunch and use provided equipment to enjoy various native birds and make friends.  Interested parties can also schedule tours with volunteer guides and even rent the facility for weddings and parties.  Additional information can be found at the Rocky Mountain Audubon.

Helping Out

The center seeks to promote outdoor awareness with the local community and is supported via public and private donations.  Your help would be greatly appreciated, and you can choose to donate either through the Rocky Mountain office’s website and clicking on the yellow “donate” button in the upper right-hand corner, or through depositing the recommended donation upon arriving at the center.

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